NOTE: This description is in the early stage of being written

Assignment - Rewrite deploy based on settings overwrite

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Feature Requests

Basic idea behind new deploy

History of deploy

In the previous NetarchiveSuite there have already existed a deploy module. However this module had the following inconviniences:

Now since the assumption of specified in a settings file for NetarchiveSuite is no longer valid becuse of resent changes. The NetarchiveSuite has now been changed to have in-build default settings where only local overwrites of defaults has to be set for the individual applications.

Furthermore, resent analysis and assignment description (assignment B2) for the archive has revealed the most obvious connections to the setup of the Danish intallation of NetarchiveSuite. This is mainly based on the interpretation of Location, which have both meant "location of bitarchive to be used" and "physical location of this instance of this application". As part of the assignment B2 as well as part of this assignment is a change of naming of the old location settings into distinc terms of physical location and replica. This change will mean that the new deploy no longer needs to be connected to the Danish intallation of NetarchiveSuite.

Lastly, the definitions in the new configuration file will in the new deploy be named precisely the same way as settings for NetarchiveSuite in cases where there are a direct connection. Only few definitions will be for deploy only, and in these cases the definitions will follow the naming convention of being prefixed with "deploy_".

Override settings structure

The idea is that the new deploy will be based on the default settings in NetarchiveSuite. A configuration file is then used for specifications of where the different applications are placed and which settings overrides is needed for the applications.

The default settings can be overwritten at different levels in the configuration settings file. this is illustrated in the below figure:



In existing documentation

Deployment Manual with reference to existing sections in Installation Manual

Settings documentation should only consist in references to xml files in repository.

New deploy documentation

The new deploy works in three steps:

  1. prepare folders for deployment
  2. Install folders on machines for all physical location
  3. Start all installed applications

Preparation of folders for deployment is illustrated in the below figure

(consider whether NetarchiveSuite zip file should be given as parameter here and be placed in install-dir) attachment:deploy_step1.gif

Installation of folders on machines for all physical location is illustrated in the below figure

(consider whether NetarchiveSuite zip file should be as parameter in previous step, and then be taken from install dir here)


Start all installed applications is illustrated in the below figure attachment:deploy_step3.gif


New definition of IT-config

explation of settings overwrite structure and special deploy configuration settings (levels, install dir etc.)

Rewrite deploy

Note that the newest version of the NetarchiveSuite code has eliminated use of the Sidekick application. Therefore the special handling in starting and stopping this process is not necessary anymore.

Reuse deploy code from kb-doms (Royal Library Digital Object Managemnt System code):

Use follwing design: