= Harvester assignment 2: Move to WARC writing instead of ARC writing = '''This assignement has been replaced by [[https://sbforge.org/jira/browse/NAS-1720|NAS-1720 Enable WARC file writing and handling in the NetarchiveSuite]]''' This assignment contains the subtasks needed to upgrade !NetarchiveSuite to allow Heritrix to write to WARC files instead of ARC-files, including writing the contents of the metadata-1.arc files into WARC metadata records. TBD: Should !NetarchiveSuite still allow the user to write to ARC-files?<
> Comment: Probably not, as this will complicate the post-processing, and indexing facilities of "NetarchiveSuite Prerequisite: Implementation of Feature request #1643: Update Heritrix to version 1.14.3. This version of Heritrix includes a complete implementation of the WARC standard. Note that since then implementation of FR 1951(Upgrade to heritrix 1.14.4) has moved the WARC-implementation to version 1.0 (ie. supposedly following the ISO standard) Total estimate: 35 MD Remaining: 20-25 MD Degree of uncertainty: B == Tasks == === Subtask 1: Replace the "ARCWriterProcesser" with "WARCWriterProcessor" in our Heritrix templates === Currently our harvest templates include the following piece of xml that configures Heritrix to write ARC files: {{{ true false netarkivet ${HOSTNAME} 100000000 arcs 5 300000 0 false }}} By replacing this piece of xml with the following, you tell Heritrix to write WARC-files: {{{ true false netarkivet ${HOSTNAME} 100000000 warcs 5 300000 0 false true true true true }}} ==== Estimated time: 2 MD ==== === Subtask 2: Implement CDX-generating code, that also works for WARC-files. === The CDX generating code must work for both ARC and WARC files. Currently the method dk.netarkivet.common.utils.cdx.ExtractCDX.generateCDX() ignores all files not ending with .arc. This method is used in the Harvest documentation phase to generate CDX-files for the arc-files coming from Heritrix When generating a single CDX-entry for an URL request, information from several Warc-records is combined. Note that Wayback already has code to make an CDX from WARC: https://archive-access.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/archive-access/trunk/archive-access/projects/wayback/wayback-core/src/main/java/org/archive/wayback/resourcestore/indexer/ ==== Estimated time: 6 MD ==== === Subtask 3: Extend our BatchJob framework to handle WARC-files on record level === Currently our Batch framework only handles ARCfiles on record level. Currently we only have an abstract class handling ARCRecords(ARCBatchJob) with these concrete implementations: * ExtractCDXJob, * HarvestedUrlsForDomainBatchJob (also assumes crawl.log stored in ARC-file with URL "metadata://netarkivet.dk/crawl/logs/crawl.log") ARCBatchJob could/should be generalized to handle ArchiveRecords instead of ArcRecords. I have a prototype for such a generalization in the trunk: https://gforge.statsbiblioteket.dk/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/trunk/tests/dk/netarkivet/common/utils/cdx/ArchiveBatchJob.java?root=netarchivesuite&view=markup ==== Estimated time: 5 MD ==== === Subtask 4: Upgrade or remove dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy.LocalCDXCache (deprecated, and uses inline CDXCacheBatchJob) === The deprecated method LocalCDXCache should either be upgraded to handle WARC-CDX'es or removed. ==== Estimated time: 2 MD ==== === Subtask 5: Store the contents of the metadata-1.arc files as WARC-records === Find a way to store the contents of the metadata-1.arc files as WARC-records. This means identifying a way to refer these WARC-Records to the WARC-files harvested by Heritrix in this HarvestJob. Idea: Extract the ID of the WARC-info record in the warc-files produced by Heritrix, and insert all these as WARC-Concurrent-To identifiers in the the warc-metadata records. ==== Estimated time: 5 MD ==== === Subtask 6: Extend Bitarchive code, so WARC-records can be retrieved from archive === The class dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.arcrepository.!BitarchiveRecord only supports ARCRecords. Maybe just add another !BitarchiveRecord constructer to support WARCRecords: {{{ public BitarchiveRecord(WARCRecord record) { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(record, "WARCRecord record"); //fileName = record.getMetaData().getArcFile().getName(); offset = record.getHeader().getOffset(); length = record.getHeader().getLength(); fileName = (String) record.getHeader().getHeaderValue(WARCRecord.HEADER_KEY_FILENAME); .... } }}} The same class also uses method ARCUtils.readARCRecord(ARCRecord ar), and we may also need such a method for reading WarcRecords? {{{ public static byte[] readWARCRecord(WARCRecord in) throws IOException {..} }}} The method {{{dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.Bitarchive.get(String arcfile, long index)}}} needs to work for WARC-files as well as ARC-files. ==== Estimated time: 5 MD (DONE, FR 2040) ==== === Subtask 7: Upgrade of Indexserver system === The current indexing system assumes the heritrix crawl.log, and cdx'es for each harvestjob are stored in a metadata-1.arc. After subtask 5 is implemented, this is no longer true. This task should solve the following problems: * Which Heritrix processor will handle deduplication in a WARC scenario? Here there are two possibilities: . 1) upgrade the Icelandic deduplication module to write its deduplication information to WARC revisit record instead of to the crawl.log<
> 2) Use Heritrix own deduplication processes * How are we going to construct the indices for deduplication, and for the proxyviewer access system. ==== Estimated time: 5 MD (estimate uncertain) ==== === Subtask 8: extend the dk.netarkivet.wayback.NetarchiveResourceStore to handle warc-records === The current NetarchiveResourceStore only handles ARC-records. Extend this class to also handle warc-records. ==== Estimated time: 5 MD (DONE, released in 3.14.0) ====