
The NetarchiveSuite bug/feature-request/patch registration is done by tracker issues in GForge (

The tracker issues are explained in three different ways:

  1. Reporting Process for tracker issues BR An overview of the tracker issue lifecycle is given and each part of the lifecycle is explained.

  2. Fields that can appear in tracker issues BR An overview is given including what is displayed and editable both for user logged in and not logged in to GForge. BR

[TODO: For Version field, we need to find out whether this field should be used more extensively and what the rules then are for tracker issues found at reviews, in test, in production, in Scotland or somewhere else]

[TODO: For Status, check what invalid means for patches????]

[TODO: For Monitor value of Module field find better description]

[TODO: Write reporting processes]

[TODO: Write implementation processes]

[TODO: Remind tracker issue creater to report name if they are not users]

[TODO: Remind users to indicate "tracker issue status" for external tracker issues (they can only see open closed status)]

[TODO: Write work-around for non-users, if log-files where not attached when creating the tracker issue]

[TODO: Write tracker issue life-cycle]