Wayback Configuration


This section describes the configuration of the applications responsible for the continuous indexing of files in a NetarchiveSuite arcrepository. In addition, there is a plugin which enables an arcrepository to be accessed by an instance of wayback. This is described in the Additional Tools Manual, along with various batch jobs which may be of use to anyone wishing to index an arcrepository without using the applications described here.

Basic Concepts for the Indexer/Aggregator

There are two applications responsible for indexing an arcrepository. The WaybackIndexerApplication checks a repository for any new files and issues batch jobs to index each new file individually. These unsorted index files are deposited in a local folder. The AggregatorApplication sorts and merges these index files and then merges the result into the existing index files being used by your wayback instance. These applications may be configured and deployed using the NetarchiveSuite Deploy Tool.
