Appendix A : Configurable settings in the NetarchiveSuite


The NetarchiveSuite uses a XML file to define settings for its applications. The XML file has a specific element for each of the dk.netarkivet.* packages: common, harvester, archive, viewerproxy and monitor.

The NetarchiveSuite package includes setting files with default values for the settings that are used to initialize classes if there are not overwritten by sperate setting file or on command line.

The setting files with deafult values are placed with a setting class which reads the settings. The settings are documented in the classes javadoc.

Common part

In the common part of the settings, we have general purpose settings (settings.common.tmpDir, settings.common.http.port), and settings, that allow us to select plug-ins and their associated arguments (settings.common.RemoteFile.class,, settings.common.arcrepositoryClient, and settings.common.indexClient.class).

Most default values for the common part can be found in [ dk.netarkivet.common.settings.xml] which is documented in [] class definition.

Futhermore there are more dedicated common default values for specific plug-in classes defined in the following setting files:

Harvester part

In the harvester part of the settings, we have settings configuring the harvesting process: scheduling, job splitting Most of these settings are used by the scheduler in DefinitionsSiteSection of the GUIApplication

The default values for the harvester part can be found in [].

Archive part

In the archive part of the settings, we have settings related to archive-access (e.g. certain timeouts, replicas and their credentials is defined here). Also behaviour of the BitarchiveApplications is set here.

The default values for the archive part can be found in [].

Viewerproxy (Access) part

In the viewerproxy part of the settings, we have settings related to user access viewerproxy module (e.g. the main directory used for storing the Lucene index for the jobs being viewed)

The default values for the viewerproxy part can be found in [].

Monitor part

In the monitor part of the settings, we have settings for the monitoring shown in the System State in form of e.g. JMX user name and password and number of shown logged lines.

The default values for the monitor part can be found in [].