Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2007-11-21 17:03:01
Size: 525
Revision 2 as of 2007-11-21 17:07:13
Size: 587
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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We use a patched version of the deduplicator. The patch fixes the following issues: We use a patched version of the deduplicator. The patch fixes the following issues in the !NetarchiveSuite:
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 * ARC records of >2GB caused arithmetic overflow and could not be read.
 * ...something about skipping long records...need to check it...
 * [https://gforge.statsbiblioteket.dk/tracker/?group_id=7&atid=105&func=detail&aid=1062:Bug 1062] indexserver skips a lot of lines due to threading problem with SimpeDateFormat

We use a patched version of the deduplicator. The patch fixes the following issues in the NetarchiveSuite:

[attachment:deduplicator-0.3.0-20061218a.diff Patch against Deduplicator 0.3.0-20061218]

[attachment:Deduplicator-0.3.0-20061218-src.zip Patched sourcecode Deduplicator 0.3.0-20061218-src.zip]

[attachment:Deduplicator-0.3.0-20061218a.zip Patched binary Deduplicator 0.3.0-20061218a.zip]

DeduplicatorPatches (last edited 2010-08-16 10:24:26 by localhost)