= Introduction = <> The !NetarchiveSuite system is continuously under development. The information given on this page is primarily information used in development work, including coordination between different institutions with developers. The [[Development#DevCommunication|Communication section]] gives information of to communicate as a developer or contributer. The [[Development#DevShortCuts|Developer Short Cuts section]] lists usefull short cuts when doing development work, however it may be a good idea to get acquainted with repository, methodology and guidelines & policies before using these short cuts. The [[Development#DevRepository|Repository section]] explains where code and code related information is placed. The [[Development#DevProjectPipeline|Projects in pipeline section]] gives reference to various design discussion and assignments for tasks that may or may not become implemented at a later stage. This is mainly concerned with bigger changes. The [[Development#DevProjectCurrent|Current Project Information]] contains the current and past information about iterations, produced as part of following the [[Development#DevMethodology|development methodology]] as well as the current staffing of the roles used in the [[Development#DevMethodology|development methodology]]. The [[Development#DevMethodology|Development Methodology section]] describes the processes and related roles which is basis for how the development work is done. The [[Development#DevGuidelinesAndPolicies|Guidelines & Policies section]] includes references to guidelines that supports various processes and administration routines. The [[Development#DevGeneratedReports|Generated reports section]] includes references to automatically generated reports, mainly concerned with code and bugsthat supports.