How to generate PDF version of the manual pages

The PDF documents, that is generated for download has been created with the following procedure (perhaps other tools than the ones used in this procedure can be used):

  1. Start the firefox browser, and go to the specific manual page that you want to work with.
  2. Comment out with two # characters the line saying that the manual is being updated continuosly.
  3. Click on the link to The Printer Friendly version.
  4. Under File->Print setup, select 50 % scaling (otherwise the pictures will be too big)

  5. Select a postscript printer as your printer
  6. Select "Print" in the file-menu, and after that select "Print to file"
  7. Choose a name for the file e.g. QuickStartManual?

  8. Execute the program ps2pdf on the resulting file.
  9. On the manualpage, click on 'Info', and click "Revert" on the last version, so that the comment about the page being updated continuosly returns,
  10. On the "Release_Overview" page: Click on "Attachments" on the bottom of the page.
  11. Upload the resulting pdf-file.
  12. Edit "Release_Overview". Make a link to the file that we just uploaded similar to the existing links. Note that the file is automatically added to the ManualArchive (Is true) automatisk til ManualArchive?.

Det er ikke afprøvet, men kan utvivlsomt gøres i Internet Explorer eller Firefox under windows med en PDF-writer i stedet. Der findes én man betaler for fra Adobe, eller gratis alternativer som "CutePDF" - søg på Google. Hvis den metode afprøves, så vær specielt opmærksom på om billederne går udover kanten.