'''Check the Heritrix terminated job is logged in the Job details in ADM GUI''' This page describes how to check the Heritrix terminated job is logged in the Job details in ADM GUI Start Program * Go to http://$GUIadminserver:$http-port/HarvestDefinition/ . where GUIadminserver and http-port are specified in the deploy configuration file under the application named dk.netarkivet.common.webinterface.GUIApplication . In the one-machine setup (deploy_example_one_machine.xml ) the link will be : http://localhost:8074 Verify job details in Job view * Click on refresh until the job disappears in system overview ( about 5 min.) * Click 'Harvest status' and select your terminated job * Click on Job ID number * Verify that the 'Included domains and configurations' are without the domains which was stopped due to 'Harvesting aborted' in the previous harvest, and the rest are 'Domain Completed' or 'Max Bytes limit reached'