= Check the Heritrix paused job is logged as running in the System Overview in ADM GUI = This page describes how to check the Heritrix paused job is logged as runningin the System Overview in ADM GUI Start Program * Go to http://$GUIadminserver:$http-port/HarvestDefinition/ . where GUIadminserver and http-port are specified in the deploy configuration file under the application named dk.netarkivet.common.webinterface.GUIApplication . In the one-machine setup (deploy_example_one_machine.xml ) the link will be : http://localhost:8074 Verify job status in System Overview * Click 'System overview' * Click the refresh browser button * Check on kb-test-har-002 (or the relevant paused server) that both !HarvestControllerServers are running again and there are no error messages