Differences between revisions 2 and 12 (spanning 10 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2009-10-02 10:36:27
Size: 4375
Editor: TueLarsen
Revision 12 as of 2010-08-16 10:24:54
Size: 3019
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Describe It38CheckHarvestNotDeduplicated here. Start a web browser by e.g. $ mozilla Note that it is important that the browser is started on the same machine as the RunNetarchiveSuite.sh is run on
Line 3: Line 3:
start a web browser by e.g. $ mozilla Note that it is important that the browser is started on the same machine as the RunNetarchiveSuite.sh is run on setup the browser to proxy on port 8070 and exclude localhost e.g. in mozilla:
Line 5: Line 5:
setup the browser to proxy on port 8070 and exclude localhost e.g. in mozilla:

Choose in the mozilla toolbar:
Manual Proxy Configuration
and add:
Proxy: localhost
Port: 8070
No Proxy for: localhost
Write following url in the started browser http://localhost:8074/HarvestDefinition
Choose in the mozilla toolbar: Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Proxies Checkmark: Manual Proxy Configuration and add: Proxy: localhost Port: 8070 No Proxy for: localhost Write following url in the started browser http://localhost:8074/HarvestDefinition
Line 20: Line 9:
Forward the access port and set browser to be local forward port

This page explain how to forward the access/viewer-proxy port to =kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk= and how to set browser to be local forward port as proxy
'''Forward the access port and set browser to be local forward port: '''
Line 26: Line 13:
Write the following in a prompt
ssh -g -N -L$PORT:kb-test-acs-001.kb.dk:$PORT kb-test-acs-001.kb.dk
Note that the shell will hang after this command.
The ssh must be killed after the test (by &lt;CTRL&gt;C)
Write the following in a prompt {{{ssh -g -N -L$PORT:kb-test-acs-001.kb.dk:$PORT kb-test-acs-001.kb.dk}}} Note that the shell will hang after this command. The ssh must be killed after the test (by <CTRL>C)
Line 33: Line 15:
Set browser  (Mozilla, Internet Explorer or <nop>FireFox) to be local forward port. Set browser (Mozilla, Internet Explorer or FireFox) to be local forward port.
Line 37: Line 19:
Internet Explorer: Go to =Tools -> Internet options= choose =Connections= and click =LAN settings=. Mark "Use proxy with …" and insert "kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk" in 'Address' with 'Port:' and set the test port (807?). Click 'Advanced' and insert =kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk= under 'Exception' ('Do not use proxy for …')  Internet Explorer: Go to =Tools -> Internet options= choose =Connections= and click =LAN settings=. Mark "Use proxy with …" and insert "kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk" in 'Address' with 'Port:' and set the test port (807?). Click 'Advanced' and insert =kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk= under 'Exception' ('Do not use proxy for …')
Line 39: Line 21:
<nop>FireFox 2: Go to =General->Settings=, choose =Connection= and click =Settings=. Mark 'Manual proxy configuration:' and insert "kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk" in 'HTTP Proxy' and set 'Port:' to the test port (807?). Mark ‘Use for all protocols’ and insert text “=kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk=” in 'No proxy for'  FireFox 2: Go to =General->Settings=, choose =Connection= and click =Settings=. Mark 'Manual proxy configuration:' and insert "kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk" in 'HTTP Proxy' and set 'Port:' to the test port (807?). Mark ‘Use for all protocols’ and insert text “=kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk=” in 'No proxy for'
Line 41: Line 23:
<nop>FireFox 3: Go to =Tools->Settings=, choose =Advanced->Network= and click =Settings...=. Mark 'Manual proxy configuration:' and insert "kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk" in 'HTTP Proxy' and set 'Port:' to the test port (807?). Mark ‘Use this profor all protocols’ and insert text “=kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk, kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk=” in 'No proxy for'  FireFox 3: Go to =Tools->Settings=, choose =Advanced->Network= and click =Settings...=. Mark 'Manual proxy configuration:' and insert "kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk" in 'HTTP Proxy' and set 'Port:' to the test port (807?). Mark ‘Use this profor all protocols’ and insert text “=kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk, kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk=” in 'No proxy for'
Line 43: Line 25:
Verificer, at metadata arc filen ikke rummer en processor-report for deduplicator som i følgende report:  * Go to http://$GUIadminserver:$http-port/HarvestDefinition/
  . where GUIadminserver and http-port are specified in the deploy configuration file under the application named dk.netarkivet.common.webinterface.GUIApplication
  . In the one-machine setup (deploy_example_one_machine.xml ) the link will be : http://localhost:8074
Click on the JobID for your finished snapshot harvest in the Job status overview
Line 45: Line 30:
metadata://netarkivet.dk/crawl/reports/processors-report.txt?heritrixVersion=1.14.3&harvestid=2&jobid=6 2009091611 3022 text/plain 1846 Processors report - 200909161130 Click on "Browse reports for jobs"
Line 47: Line 32:
Job being crawled: forsider_plus_1niveau Number of Processors: 16 NOTE: Some processors may not return a report!
Processor: org.archive.crawler.fetcher.FetchHTTP
Click on the "processors-report" e.g. "metadata://netarkivet.dk/crawl/reports/processors-report.txt?heritrixVersion=1.14.3&harvestid=1&jobid=1"
Line 50: Line 34:
Function: Fetch HTTP URIs CrawlURIs handled: 140 Recovery retries: 0
Processor: org.archive.crawler.extractor.ExtractorHTTP
Check that there is no deduplicator processors-report like this one:
Line 53: Line 36:
Function: Extracts URIs from HTTP response headers CrawlURIs handled: 140 Links extracted: 0
Processor: org.archive.crawler.extractor.ExtractorHTML

Function: Link extraction on HTML documents CrawlURIs handled: 51 Links extracted: 443
Processor: org.archive.crawler.extractor.ExtractorCSS

Function: Link extraction on Cascading Style Sheets (.css) CrawlURIs handled: 0 Links extracted: 0
Processor: org.archive.crawler.extractor.ExtractorJS

Function: Link extraction on JavaScript code CrawlURIs handled: 0 Links extracted: 0

Processor: org.archive.crawler.extractor.ExtractorSWF

Function: Link extraction on Shockwave Flash documents (.swf) CrawlURIs handled: 0 Links extracted: 0
Processor: is.hi.bok.digest.DeDuplicator

Function: Abort processing of duplicate records
- Lookup by url in use
Total handled: 88 Duplicates found: 0 0.0% Bytes total: 6391852 (6.1 MB)
Bytes discarded: 0 (0 0.0% New (no hits): 88 Exact hits: 0 Equivalent hits: 0 Timestamp predicts: (Where exact URL existed in the index) Change correctly: 0 Change falsly: 0 Non-change correct:0 Non-change falsly: 0 Missing timpestamp:0 [Host] [total] [duplicates] [bytes] [bytes discarded] [new] [exact] [equiv] [change correct] [change falsly] [non-change co rrect] [non-change falsly] [no timestamp] sejr.kb.dk 88 0 6391852 0 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total handled: 88
Duplicates found: 0 0.0%
Bytes total: 6391852 (6.1 MB)
Bytes discarded: 0 (0 0.0%
New (no hits): 88
Exact hits: 0
Equivalent hits: 0

Start a web browser by e.g. $ mozilla Note that it is important that the browser is started on the same machine as the RunNetarchiveSuite.sh is run on

setup the browser to proxy on port 8070 and exclude localhost e.g. in mozilla:

Choose in the mozilla toolbar: Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Proxies Checkmark: Manual Proxy Configuration and add: Proxy: localhost Port: 8070 No Proxy for: localhost Write following url in the started browser http://localhost:8074/HarvestDefinition

If you are a netarchive tester:

Forward the access port and set browser to be local forward port:

Do the following on kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk as a test user:

Write the following in a prompt ssh -g -N -L$PORT:kb-test-acs-001.kb.dk:$PORT kb-test-acs-001.kb.dk Note that the shell will hang after this command. The ssh must be killed after the test (by <CTRL>C)

Set browser (Mozilla, Internet Explorer or FireFox) to be local forward port.

Mozilla: Go to =preferences -> advanced.proxies= and activate 'manual proxy-settings', 'HTTP-proxy:' is set to "kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk" and the belonging 'Port:' is set to the test port (807?). 'No proxy for' is set to "kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk"

Internet Explorer: Go to =Tools -> Internet options= choose =Connections= and click =LAN settings=. Mark "Use proxy with …" and insert "kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk" in 'Address' with 'Port:' and set the test port (807?). Click 'Advanced' and insert =kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk= under 'Exception' ('Do not use proxy for …')

FireFox 2: Go to =General->Settings=, choose =Connection= and click =Settings=. Mark 'Manual proxy configuration:' and insert "kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk" in 'HTTP Proxy' and set 'Port:' to the test port (807?). Mark ‘Use for all protocols’ and insert text “=kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk=” in 'No proxy for'

FireFox 3: Go to =Tools->Settings=, choose =Advanced->Network= and click =Settings...=. Mark 'Manual proxy configuration:' and insert "kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk" in 'HTTP Proxy' and set 'Port:' to the test port (807?). Mark ‘Use this profor all protocols’ and insert text “=kb-test-adm-001.kb.dk, kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk=” in 'No proxy for'

Click on the JobID for your finished snapshot harvest in the Job status overview

Click on "Browse reports for jobs"

Click on the "processors-report" e.g. "metadata://netarkivet.dk/crawl/reports/processors-report.txt?heritrixVersion=1.14.3&harvestid=1&jobid=1"

Check that there is no deduplicator processors-report like this one:

Total handled: 88
Duplicates found: 0 0.0%
Bytes total: 6391852 (6.1 MB)
Bytes discarded: 0 (0  0.0%
New (no hits): 88
Exact hits: 0
Equivalent hits: 0

It38CheckHarvestNotDeduplicated (last edited 2010-08-16 10:24:54 by localhost)