== First move the file back. == Log on to the bitarchive machines of the SB replica (sb-test-bar-001.statsbiblioteket.dk). Find the locations of the baseDir of the bitarchives: {{{ grep baseFileDir ~/netarkiv/conf/settings_BitarchiveApplication.xml }}} Go to one of the filedir of the bitarchive application relativ to these baseFileDir (usually /netarkiv/0001/$TESTX/filedir) Move the file back from attic dir > mv ../atticdir/1-metadata-1.arc . == Do following in a browser == Start Program * Go to http://$GUIadminserver:$http-port/HarvestDefinition/ * where GUIadminserver and http-port are specified in the deploy configuration file under the application named dk.netarkivet.common.webinterface.GUIApplication * In the one-machine setup (deploy_example_one_machine.xml ) the link will be : http://localhost:8074 * Go to the bitpreservation site: * Click on '''Bitpreservation''' in the side bar. * Reestablish the file * Click on '''Show missing files'''. * Click to check the box where it says '''Get info''' for '''1-metadata-1.arc''', and then press execute. * The page should now say 'No missing files'. * Go to the bitpreservation site: * Click on '''Bitpreservation''' in the side bar. * Verify that it has been completely uploaded * Verify that it now does not contain any missing files. * Verify that the number of files are the same as the other replicas. * The 'last filelist update' should not have changed. == Finally move the file away from the filedir again. == Log on to the bitarchive machines of the SB replica (sb-test-bar-001.statsbiblioteket.dk). Find the locations of the baseDir of the bitarchives: {{{ grep baseFileDir ~/netarkiv/conf/settings_BitarchiveApplication.xml }}} Go to one of the filedir of the bitarchive application relativ to these baseFileDir (usually /netarkiv/0001/$TESTX/filedir) Move a file to attic dir > mv 1-metadata-1.arc ../atticdir/.