Do the following in a browser Start Program * Go to http://$GUIadminserver:$http-port/HarvestDefinition/ * where GUIadminserver and http-port are specified in the deploy configuration file under the application named dk.netarkivet.common.webinterface.GUIApplication * In the one-machine setup (deploy_example_one_machine.xml ) the link will be : http://localhost:8074 * Go to the snapshot harvest site: * Click on '''Snapshot Harvest''' under the '''Definitions''' section in the side bar. Run 3 snapshot harvests simultaneously. * Run a 100,000 bytelimit snapshot harvest * Press '''Create a new snapshot harvest definition''' * Give a name (e.g. snh1) * Set the byte limit to 100,000 and the object limit to -1 (infinity) * Press the '''Activate''' button in the fifth coloumn of snh1. * Run a 100 object limit snapshot harvest * Press '''Create a new snapshot harvest definition''' * Give a name (e.g. snh2) * Set the byte limit to -1 (infinity) and the object limit to 100 * Press the '''Activate''' button in the fifth coloumn of snh2. * Run a 100,000 bytelimit and 100 objectlimit snapshot harvest * Press '''Create a new snapshot harvest definition''' * Give a name (e.g. snh3) * Set the byte limit to 100,000 and the object limit to 100 * Press the '''Activate''' button in the fifth coloumn of snh3. * Go to the harvest status site: * Click on '''Harvest Status'''. * Click on '''All''' in the ''only show job status'' menu, and then click the '''Show''' button. * Wait to all the jobs have the status DONE (Current setup only have 2 snapshot harvesters, so the 3. job must wait until the first 2 jobs are finished)