Start two different kinds of harvests

Run both a snapshot harvest and a selective harvest.

These should be run simultaniously, so do not wait for one of them to finish before creating and starting the other.

If harvests already exists with the same names, just name them snh2 and sh2 respectively.

Start a snapshot harvest with max 100000 bytes and 100 objects

This page describes how to start a small snapshot harvest

Note: the small size of the harvest is defined by a small number of domains. The domains can be viewed via 'Definitions'->'Domain Statistics'.

Start Program

Make a new snapshot harvest definition with a name you can remember

Check scheduling of jobs

Define and run selective harvest

This page describes how to define and run a selective harvest of

Do following in a browser: Start Program

Make a new selective harvest definition with a name you can remember

Activate the selective harvest

Check harvest status of the selective harvest

Check job creation in the system status for the selective harvest

Wait for both harvests to finish