Differences between revisions 2 and 4 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2009-09-22 12:45:03
Size: 3675
Editor: TueLarsen
Revision 4 as of 2009-10-01 14:27:12
Size: 1148
Editor: TueLarsen
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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And then select one of three possible install scenarios (scripts) (the first is the default scenario, used unless the test states otherwise). All three scripts makes a clean restart, which stops previous installations, cleans up, make new installation and starts it up again. cleanup_test.sh
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(1) The new default multi-bitapp test, where one of the Windows machines have 3 bitapps: prepare_test_dedup_disabled.sh
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all_test.sh (2) The test scenario with a single replica and 'physical location' (also known as the 'one leg' scenario). install_test.sh
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all_test_single.sh (3) The old test, where all 'bar' machines have a single bitapp:

all_test_old.sh All test-scripts (all_test.sh, all_test_single.sh, all_test_old.sh) includes as basis the following commands (these were the previous commands used to reinstall the system):

export TIMESTAMP=`ls -t /home/release_software_dist/releases/NetarchiveSuite-* | head -1 | cut -d- -f2 | cut -d. -f1` cleanup_test.sh prepare_test.sh install_test.sh start_test.sh

For installation of EARLIER PACKAGE VERSIONS do the following on kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk: Normally there is a new release package for the test to be installed. However, if you do NOT want to use the newest release package then write export TIMESTAMP=000 with the svn version from the created release package you want to run, e.g. export TIMESTAMP=274 for NetarchiveSuite-274.zip If installation fails this may be because the setting files are not fitting the TIMESTAMP file. In this case check which versions the settings files have in CVS ( test@kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk :/home/cvsroot - projects/webarkivering/conf/) at the time of writing this includes:

it_conf_test.xml settings.xml log.prop jmxremote.password security.policy Hint: look at the time of the version (TIMESTAMP) checkin in SVN, and take earlier version of the CVS files. Now create a Prepare_test_step2 file for the TIMESTAMP in question on test@kb-prod-udv-001:

cd /home/test/bin cp prepare_test_step2_settings.sh prepare_test_step2_settings_$TIMESTAMP.sh And insert version reference in the relevant CVS checkout commands for example

 . CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d:ext: test@kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk :/home/cvsroot checkout -P -d settings projects/webarkivering/conf/settings.xml

 . CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d:ext: test@kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk :/home/cvsroot checkout -r1.95 -P -d settings projects/webarkivering/conf/settings.xml
Now the installation is done again (assuming TIMESTAMP is already set) STEP BY STEP:

cleanup_test.sh prepare_test_step1_unpack.sh prepare_test_step2_settings_$TIMESTAMP.sh prepare_test_step3_modify.sh prepare_test_step4_deploy.sh install_test.sh start_test.sh

Install/reinstall release package and start the system This page describes how to

Optionally close an earlier instance of the system Install a new instance Start the new instance This includes stopping existing old applications, emptying the JMS queues and move old data into a backup catalogs. Both bit-archive libraries and other old data are cleaned up. A pure and clean new installation is established. Note: If there no tests have been executed on this port number before, then there might appear error messages about non-existing files etc. These errors are harmless.

Do the following on kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk as a test user: Write the following in a prompt – note the relevant replacements

export TESTX=TESTk (where k must be replaced with the test number you are about to run, e.g. TEST8)

export PORT=8076 (where 8076 with the given port number for the test)

export MAILRECEIVERS= tlr@kb.dk (where the mail address must be replaced by address(es) for the relevant mail receiver(s) – specified by comma separation if more than one)





NetarkivInstall (last edited 2010-08-16 10:25:09 by localhost)