Install/reinstall release package and start the system This page describes how to * Optionally close an earlier instance of the system * Install a new instance * Start the new instance. * Stop the instance. This includes stopping existing old applications, emptying the JMS queues and move old data into a backup catalogs. Both bit-archive libraries and other old data are cleaned up. A pure and clean new installation is established. Note: If there no tests have been executed on this port number before, then there might appear error messages about non-existing files etc. These errors are harmless. Do the following on as a test user: Write the following in a prompt – note the relevant replacements export TESTX=TESTk (where k must be replaced with the test number you are about to run, e.g. TEST8) export PORT=8076 (where 8076 with the given port number for the test) export MAILRECEIVERS= (where the mail address must be replaced by address(es) for the relevant mail receiver(s) – specified by comma separation if more than one)