Differences between revisions 5 and 7 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2009-03-04 15:09:18
Size: 885
Editor: EldZierau
Revision 7 as of 2009-03-06 16:19:42
Size: 1489
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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To be written on basis of translated:  To be written on basis of translated:
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 * http://kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk/twiki/bin/view/Netarkiv/RolleBeskrivelse
 * http://kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk/twiki/bin/view/Netarkiv/RolleBeskrivelse (contents now incorporated into this page)
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[[Anchor(ExtSwCoorDescription)]] '''~+Description+~'''[[BR]]
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[[Anchor(ExtSwCoorProcesses)]] '''~+Processes+~'''
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 * Monitoring of development in external libraries, especially Heritrix and its dependencies
 * Upgrading external libraries when needed. Our intention is to have integrity tests for each of our external libraries, so the task of upgrading a specific external software component is reduced. Currently, we only have one for Heritrix. Many of our functional unittests of course check a lot of external software components indirectly.
 * Corresponding with the developers of the external libraries, including sending patches, creating bug reports and feature requests.
[[Anchor(ExtSwCoorGuidelines)]] '''~+Guidelines+~'''
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'''~+References to Current Work+~'''[[BR]]
[[Anchor(ExtSwCoorReferences)]] '''~+References to Current Work+~'''[[BR]]
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Please refer to [:Development#Staffing: Staffing] for overview of modules, owners and backups.
[[Anchor(ExtSwCoorBackup)]] '''~+Backup+~'''[[BR]] Please refer to [:Development#Staffing:Staffing] for overview of modules, owners and backups.


To be written on basis of translated:

The External Software Coordinator role contains [#ExtSwCoorDescription Description], [#ExtSwCoorProcesses Responsible for processes], [#ExtSwCoorGuidelines Relevant Guidelines], [#ExtSwCoorReferences References to Current Work] and [#ExtSwCoorBackup Backup].

Anchor(ExtSwCoorDescription) DescriptionBR

Anchor(ExtSwCoorProcesses) Processes

  • Monitoring of development in external libraries, especially Heritrix and its dependencies
  • Upgrading external libraries when needed. Our intention is to have integrity tests for each of our external libraries, so the task of upgrading a specific external software component is reduced. Currently, we only have one for Heritrix. Many of our functional unittests of course check a lot of external software components indirectly.
  • Corresponding with the developers of the external libraries, including sending patches, creating bug reports and feature requests.

Anchor(ExtSwCoorGuidelines) Guidelines

Anchor(ExtSwCoorReferences) References to Current WorkBR

Anchor(ExtSwCoorBackup) BackupBR Please refer to [:Development#Staffing:Staffing] for overview of modules, owners and backups.

Process Role/External SW Coordinator WithoutTitle (last edited 2010-08-16 10:24:39 by localhost)