~-<>-~ The External Software Coordinator role contains [[#ExtSwCoorDescription|Description]], [[#ExtSwCoorProcesses|Responsible for processes]], [[#ExtSwCoorGuidelines|Relevant Guidelines]], [[#ExtSwCoorReferences|References to Current Work]] and [[#ExtSwCoorBackup|Backup]]. <> '''~+Description+~'''<
> * The role is responsible for upgrading external software in !NetarchiveSuite and reporting bugs in external software <> '''~+Processes+~''' * Monitoring of development in external libraries, especially Heritrix and its dependencies * Upgrading external libraries when needed. Our intention is to have integrity tests for each of our external libraries, so the task of upgrading a specific external software component is reduced. Currently, we only have one for Heritrix. Many of our functional unittests of course check a lot of external software components indirectly. * Corresponding with the developers of the external libraries, including sending patches, creating bug reports and feature requests. <> '''~+Guidelines+~''' <> '''~+References to Current Work+~'''<
> <> '''~+Backup+~'''<
> Please refer to [[Development#Staffing|Staffing]] for overview of modules, owners and backups.