Differences between revisions 9 and 10
Revision 9 as of 2009-03-04 15:10:11
Size: 817
Editor: EldZierau
Revision 10 as of 2009-05-14 07:20:03
Size: 1191
Editor: TueLarsen
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The Testcoordinator is a keyplayer during an iteration maintaining following main duties:
fixing successcriteria together with the developers for each implementation development task as well as
preparing the release test description, data and platform for the releasetest
coordinating the execution of relasetest together with QA responsible
executing releasestests


To be written on basis of translated: http://kb-prod-udv-001.kb.dk/twiki/bin/view/Netarkiv/IBmetodikDec2006SForberedelseReleaseTest

The Test Coordinator role contains [#TestCorDescription Description], [#TestCorProcesses Responsible for processes], [#TestCorGuidelines Relevant Guidelines], [#TestCorReferences References to Current Work] and [#TestCorBackup Backup].

Anchor(TestCorDescription) DescriptionBR The Testcoordinator is a keyplayer during an iteration maintaining following main duties: fixing successcriteria together with the developers for each implementation development task as well as preparing the release test description, data and platform for the releasetest coordinating the execution of relasetest together with QA responsible executing releasestests

Anchor(TestCorProcesses) ProcessesBR

Anchor(TestCorGuidelines) GuidelinesBR

Anchor(TestCorReferences) References to Current WorkBR

Anchor(TestCorBackup) BackupBR Please refer to [:Development#Staffing: Staffing].

Process Role/Test Coordinator WithoutTitle (last edited 2010-08-16 10:24:50 by localhost)