Differences between revisions 24 and 26 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 24 as of 2009-01-19 14:24:24
Size: 3420
Editor: EldZierau
Revision 26 as of 2009-01-19 14:28:37
Size: 3721
Editor: EldZierau
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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   * Detailed description:
   * Attach Files - where
   * [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldDetailedDescription:Detailed description]:
   * [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldAttachFiles:Attach Files] - where
Line 39: Line 39:
   * Version
 . If known it is desireble if the fields 'Assigned To', 'Module' are set. [[BR]] Fileds like 'Priority', 'Status' and 'Duplicate Of:' will '''''rarely''''' be set at creation time.
   * [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldVersion:Version]
 . If known it is desireble if the fields [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldAssignedTo:'Assigned To'], [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldModule:'Module'] are set. [[BR]] Fileds like [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldPriority:'Priority'], [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldStatus:'Status'] and [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldDuplicateOf:'Duplicate Of'] will '''''rarely''''' be set at creation time.


The Creation of a Tracker Issue process contains [#CreateTIDescription Description], [#CreateTIPurpose Purpose], [#CreateTIResponsible Responsible], [#CreateTIthod Method], [#CreateTITime Time], [#CreateTIInput Input] and [#CreateTIOutput Output].

Anchor(CreateTIDescription) DescriptionBR Anyone with access to the internet can create a Tracker Issue in form of a Bug, a Feature Request or a Patch.

It is important to give enough information when the tracker issue is created. Especially for person who does not have a user account, it is hard to complement a Tracker Issue later. This is due to the way that GForge works, and therefore not in our power to change.

Please remember ALWAYS to:

  • For bugs: BR Add log files under 'Attach Files' field, in case you describe an error that can be traced in log files (see below).

  • For bugs: BR Make a remark of version in the 'Summary' field, in case the version is not listed in possible values for the 'Version' field.

  • For non-registered users: BR Write who you are in the 'Summary' field.

Anchor(CreateTIPurpose) PurposeBR To make a formal report of a tracker issue (bug, feature request or patch) in a way that enables tracking of the life-cycle of the issue.

Anchor(CreateTIResponsible) ResponsibleBR Anybody

Anchor(CreateTIMethod) MethodBR

  • Classify your issue as a bug, feature request or a patch
    • a bug, if the issue is concerned with an error in the NetarchiveSuite package, e.g. a spelling error

    • a feature request, if the issue represents a suggested change in the NetarchiveSuite package, e.g. a better interface

    • a patch, in case it includes explicit changes and/or additions to the NetarchiveSuite package, e.g. new translation files.

  • Go to tracker issue in NetarchiveSuite GForge matching your issue classification ([http://gforge.statsbiblioteket.dk/tracker/?atid=105&group_id=7&func=browse bugs], [http://gforge.statsbiblioteket.dk/tracker/?atid=108&group_id=7&func=browse feature request], [https://gforge.statsbiblioteket.dk/tracker/?atid=107&group_id=7&func=browse patch]) and click 'Submit New'.

  • Fill in the fields (described under [http://netarchive.dk/suite/BugInfGuide/Fields Fields for different Tracker Issues] marked with "new"). BR Most importantly are the fields:

    • [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldSummary:Summary]

      • must also name of reporting person, in case you are not a user in the system.
      • must also include version, if it does not exist in the drop down list for the 'Version' field
    • [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldDetailedDescription:Detailed description]:

    • [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldAttachFiles:Attach Files] - where

      • logs must be attached in case of a bug
      • files with updates/additions must be attached in case of a patch
    • [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldVersion:Version]

  • If known it is desireble if the fields [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldAssignedTo:'Assigned To'], [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldModule:'Module'] are set. BR Fileds like [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldPriority:'Priority'], [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldStatus:'Status'] and [:BugInfGuide/Fields#FieldDuplicateOf:'Duplicate Of'] will rarely be set at creation time.

Include logs (examples from new deploy)

Anchor(CreateTITime) TimeBR Any time

Anchor(CreateTIInput) InputBR Any issue to be reported as a bug, a feature request of a patch.

Anchor(CreateTIOutput) OutputBR A new Tracker issue registered in the NetarchiveSuite GForge tracker system.

Process/Create Tracker Issue WithoutTitle (last edited 2010-08-16 10:24:57 by localhost)