Differences between revisions 28 and 29
Revision 28 as of 2009-05-17 19:51:53
Size: 4093
Editor: EldZierau
Revision 29 as of 2009-05-17 20:02:04
Size: 4082
Editor: EldZierau
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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To get implementations of high quality ready for release test/release. To get implementations of high quality ready for release test, release or patch into production.
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 1. The task examined and unclear point clarified.
 1. Definition of the task implementation is to be release tested on basis of defined success criteria. Involve [:Process_Role/Test Coordinator:test coordinator] if necessary.
 1. For tasks: examined and unclear point clarified.
 1. Definition of the implementation is to be release tested on basis of defined success criteria. Involve [:Process_Role/Test Coordinator:test coordinator] if necessary. For implementation that are not in an iteration task list the [:Process_Role/Test Coordinator:test coordinator] must be informed in all cases, even though the test is covered by unit tests, since they must be noted in the release test description and release note for the next stabil release.
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   1. for code use [:Guidelines/Coding Guideline:coding guideline]
   1. for release documentation use [:Maintaining_Documentation:guideline for maintaining documentation]
   1. for assignment writing use [:Guidelines/Assignment_Writing:guideline for assignment writing]
   1. for new processes/roles use [:Guidelines/NewProcess: guideline for new processes]
   1. Note: for priority 5 bugs that needs to be patched into production it may be necessary to branch the aktual released productions code.
   1. F
or code use [:Guidelines/Coding Guideline:coding guideline]
   1. For release documentation use [:Maintaining_Documentation:guideline for maintaining documentation]
   1. For assignment writing use [:Guidelines/Assignment_Writing:guideline for assignment writing]
   1. For new processes/roles use [:Guidelines/NewProcess: guideline for new processes]
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   1. For code, make [:Process/Code Review:code review] on success criterias and the unit tested, sanity tested code with updated documentation
   1. For documentation, make [:Process/Document Review:document review] on success criterias and updated documentation
   1. For code, make [:Process/Code Review:code review] on success criteria and the unit tested, sanity tested code with updated documentation
   1. For documentation, make [:Process/Document Review:document review] on success criteria and updated documentation
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Must also include follwing in translated form:

 * Komponentejeren informerer test koordinator omkring rettede bugs, således at disse bugs evt. kan blive en del af release testen. Hvis bugs ikke indgår i release testen vil de blive testet via unit tests. De rettede bugs vil endvidere blive noteret i release test beskrivelsen af test-koordinatoren.
 * Ved kritiske produktions bugs kan det være nødvendigt at branche den aktuelle released produktionskode.
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 * Before [:Process/Code_Freeze:code freeze] within the itereation  * Before [:Process/Code_Freeze:code freeze] within the iteration


The Implementation process contains [#ImplementationDescription Description], [#ImplementationPurpose Purpose], [#ImplementationResponsible Responsible], [#ImplementationMethod Method], [#ImplementationTime Time], [#ImplementationInput Input] and [#ImplementationOutput Output].

Anchor(ImplementationDescription) DescriptionBR Implementation covers implementation of a bug, a feature request a patch or a task from the [:Development#CurrentIterationTaskOverview: current iteration task overview].

This means that implementation can cover anything e.g. code implementation, script implementations, documentation updates, software upgrades etc.

Anchor(ImplementationPurpose) PurposeBR To get implementations of high quality ready for release test, release or patch into production.

Anchor(ImplementationResponsible) ResponsibleBR This can either be

  • [:Process Role/Task Holder:Task holder] according to Iteration plan for iterations tasks or

  • [:Process Role/Module Owner:Module Owner] of new tracker issue for that specific module.

Anchor(ImplementationMethod) MethodBR

  1. For tasks: examined and unclear point clarified.
  2. Definition of the implementation is to be release tested on basis of defined success criteria. Involve [:Process_Role/Test Coordinator:test coordinator] if necessary. For implementation that are not in an iteration task list the [:Process_Role/Test Coordinator:test coordinator] must be informed in all cases, even though the test is covered by unit tests, since they must be noted in the release test description and release note for the next stabil release.

  3. For code, Unit test must be implemented, see [:Guidelines/Unit Test Guideline:unit test guideline]

  4. Make implementation:
    1. Note: for priority 5 bugs that needs to be patched into production it may be necessary to branch the aktual released productions code.
    2. For code use [:Guidelines/Coding Guideline:coding guideline]

    3. For release documentation use [:Maintaining_Documentation:guideline for maintaining documentation]
    4. For assignment writing use [:Guidelines/Assignment_Writing:guideline for assignment writing]
    5. For new processes/roles use [:Guidelines/NewProcess: guideline for new processes]
  5. Make release test description, involve [:Process_Role/Test Coordinator:test coordinator] if necessary.

  6. Sanity test, i.e. make seek to make the described release test.
  7. Update documentation and note in the [:Development#CurrentIterationReviewOverview: current iteration review overview] if any release documentation (e.g. manuals) are affected

  8. Review work:
    1. For code, make [:Process/Code Review:code review] on success criteria and the unit tested, sanity tested code with updated documentation

    2. For documentation, make [:Process/Document Review:document review] on success criteria and updated documentation

    3. For other, make review inspired by [:Process/Document Review:document review]

  9. Release test description is accepted by [:Process_Role/Test Coordinator:test coordinator]

Anchor(ImplementationTime) TimeBR

  • After iteration has been started and tasks distributed by [:Process_Role/Project Leader:project leader]

  • Before [:Process/Code_Freeze:code freeze] within the iteration

Anchor(ImplementationInput) InputBR This can either be

  • A task from [:Development#CurrentIterationTaskOverview: current iteration task overview] or

  • A tracker issue that is evaluated to have small implementation time by the [:Process Role/Module Owner:Module Owner] of new tracker issue for that specific module.

Anchor(ImplementationOutput) OutputBR

  • Release test input to [:Process_Role/Test Coordinator:test coordinator] (may be that there are none)

  • Implemented, sanity checked (if code) and reviewed implementation of task
  • Documentation update (if any needed)

Process/Implementation WithoutTitle (last edited 2010-08-16 10:25:11 by localhost)