
TODO: Take Time from

The Implementation process contains [#ImplementationDescription Description], [#ImplementationPurpose Purpose], [#ImplementationResponsible Responsible], [#ImplementationMethod Method], [#ImplementationTime Time], [#ImplementationInput Input] and [#ImplementationOutput Output].

Anchor(ImplementationDescription) DescriptionBR

Anchor(ImplementationPurpose) PurposeBR To get implementations of high quality ready for release test/release.

Anchor(ImplementationResponsible) ResponsibleBR This can either be

Anchor(ImplementationMethod) MethodBR

  1. The task gennemgåes og uklarheder afklares.
  2. Definition af hvordan opgaven skal release testes ud fra definerede succeskriterier. Evt. i samarbejde med [:Process_Role/Test Coordinator:test coordinator].

  3. For code, Unit test must be implemented, see [:Guidelines/Unit Test Guideline:unit test guideline]

  4. Make implementation:
    1. for code use [:Guidelines/Coding Guideline:coding guideline]

    2. for release documentation use [:Maintaining_Documentation:guideline for maintaining documentation]
    3. for assignment writing use [:Guidelines/Assignment_Writing:guideline for assignment writing]
    4. for new processes/roles use [:Guidelines/NewProcess: guideline for new processes]
  5. Make release test description, involve [:Process_Role/Test Coordinator:test coordinator] if necessary.

  6. Sanity test, i.e. make seek to make the described release test.
  7. Update documentation and note in the [:Development#CurrentIterationReviewOverview: current iteration review overview] if any release documentation (e.g. manuals) are affected

  8. Review work:
    1. For code, make [:Process:Code Review:code review] on success criterias and the unit tested, sanity tested code with updated documentation

    2. For documentation, make [:Process:Document Review:document review] on success criterias and updated documentation

    3. For other, make review inspired by [:Process:Document Review:document review]

  9. Release test description is accepted by [:Process_Role/Test Coordinator:test coordinator]

Must also include follwing in translated form:

Anchor(ImplementationTime) TimeBR

Anchor(ImplementationInput) InputBR Task from [:Development#CurrentIterationTaskOverview: current iteration task overview]

Anchor(ImplementationOutput) OutputBR