Differences between revisions 10 and 18 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 10 as of 2010-04-21 07:28:35
Size: 8114
Editor: TueLarsen
Revision 18 as of 2010-09-14 07:42:54
Size: 7750
Editor: TueLarsen
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 * follow the registration and download instructions on ["Get NetarchiveSuite"] and save the download file to the directory you created earlier  * follow the registration and download instructions on [[Get NetarchiveSuite]] and save the download file to the directory you created earlier
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!NetarchiveSuite uses JMS for inter-process communication. JMS is the Java Messaging Service, which provides asynchronous communication between processes. You do not need any knowledge of JMS to use !NetarchiveSuite.  However you need to make sure that there are not already JMS brokers running on your system using PORT 8100. !NetarchiveSuite uses JMS for inter-process communication. JMS is the Java Messaging Service, which provides asynchronous communication between processes. You do not need any knowledge of JMS to use !NetarchiveSuite. However you need to make sure that there are not already JMS brokers running on your system using PORT 8100.
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[http://netarchive.dk/suite/Installation_Manual_3.12/AppendixC?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=RunNetarchiveSuite.sh RunNetarchiveSuite.sh]
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[http://netarchive.dk/suite/Installation_Manual_3.12/AppendixC?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=deploy_standalone_example.xml deploy_standalone_example.xml ] [[attachment:RunNetarchiveSuite.sh]]

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 * setup the browser to proxy on port 8070 and exclude localhost e.g. in firefox:  * setup the browser to proxy on port 8070 and exclude localhost and the hostname (used by the Heritrix GUI) e.g. in firefox:
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No Proxy for: localhost No Proxy for: localhost, kb-test-way-001.kb.dk
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When you are finished using the quickstart system, you kill the jmsbroker by:

 . Find processid for the broker (ps auxw | grep imqbrokerd)
 . export IMQ_PROCESSSID=foundprocessid
 . {{{ kill -9 $IMQ_PROCESSID }}}

Download and installation


For a quick start, we have prepared a bash shell script that starts all the necessary components on one machine. We will use this script throughout this quickstart manual to allow you to get a feel for what the system can do and how it works without having to deal with issues of distributing to other servers.

Base system required

For the quick startup, NetarchiveSuite requires

  • a Linux system.
  • Note that for the quickstart, you must be able to run a browser on the machine that you run the system on - this is an artifact of the quickstart system and is not the case in the full system. Root access is not required.
  • Running Ant application - Java based build tool like make
  • Sun Java SE (Standard Edition) JDK version 1.6.0_19 running on the Linux system.
  • Newer versions of Java may work, but have not been tested. Older versions of Java will not work correctly. The latest download version of Sun Java 6 SE is "JDK 6 Update 19" (09 March 2010).

To check that you have the right version of Java do the following

  • start a terminal login to the linux system as a ordinary user
  • check java version is version 1.6.0_19 (or higher) by writing:
  • $ java -version

  • you should then see something like
  • linux>java -version
    java version "1.6.0_19"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_19-b04)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 16.2-b04, mixed mode)


Download of the newest release is described here

  • start a terminal login to the linux system as a ordinary user in a bash shell
  • make a directory for the download e.g. directory  ~/netarchive 

  •  $ mkdir ~/netarchive 

  • start a web browser, e.g. Firefox
  • follow the registration and download instructions on Get NetarchiveSuite and save the download file to the directory you created earlier

  • there should now be a NetarchiveSuite*.zip file in the installation directory, e.g.  ~/netarchive 

Note: Instead of downloading a NetarchiveSuite.zip you can also build itself from the SVN trunk:

  •  $ svn checkout --username developername https://gforge.statsbiblioteket.dk/svn/netarchivesuite/trunk 

  •  $ cd trunk 

  •  $ ant releasezipball 


NetarchiveSuite uses JMS for inter-process communication. JMS is the Java Messaging Service, which provides asynchronous communication between processes. You do not need any knowledge of JMS to use NetarchiveSuite. However you need to make sure that there are not already JMS brokers running on your system using PORT 8100.

Currently only the open-source version of Sun's JMS implementation is supported, since some functionality of other implementations does not match our assumptions well.

To download and install it, do the following:

  • open this link in a browser window https://mq.dev.java.net/downloads.html

  • click the Linux Link under version 4.1 Binary Downloads to download a file mq4_1-binary-Linux_X86-20070816.jar (or later)

  • save the download file to the created directory you created earlier e.g.  ~/netarchive 

  • go to the directory
  •  $ cd ~/netarchive 

  • unpack the jar file (this creates a directory mq and three files with licensing information)
  •  $ jar xvf mq4_1-binary-Linux_X86-20070816.jar 

  • run imqbroker in order to create settings file
  •  $ chmod +x ./mq/bin/imqbrokerd 

  • Set the IMQ_JAVAHOME environment variable to point to your java installation directory, e.g. /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_19:  $ export IMQ_JAVAHOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_19 

  •  $./mq/bin/imqbrokerd 

  • check that  imqbrokerd  starts and that the last message is  "Broker <localhost>:7676 ready" 

  • stop the imqbroker by pressing  control-C 

  • edit settings to allow for enough listeners to a queue by doing
    • edit  ~/netarchive/mq/var/instances/imqbroker/props/config.properties 

    • uncomment and specify count=20 for listeners by changing line
    • "#            imq.autocreate.queue.maxNumActiveConsumers" 

    • ->

    • "            imq.autocreate.queue.maxNumActiveConsumers=20"

To start it, do the following:

  •  $ cd ~/netarchive 

  •  $./mq/bin/imqbrokerd &


Assuming a releasezipball of NetarchiveSuite NetarchiveSuite*.zip  is available in the directory ~/netarchive, you must do the following to configure the NetarchiveSuite for your system:

  • Download following attached files to e.g. /home/test/netarchive:



The first script is a simple script for doing all the steps during deployment. It takes a NetarchiveSuite package ('.zip'), a configuration file (the second file), and a temporary installation directory as arguments (in the given order).

In the configuration file all the applications are placed on one machine (e.g. the current machine, localhost). If run directly it is run from the deploy directory /home/test/netarchive/USER and installed in e.g. localhost:/home/test/USER. It assumes, that you want to run this as user 'test'. So you need to have 'test' user on the current machine. If installation user is different from the 'test' user, remember to check, that a Sun JVM is in the path (instead of GNU java compiler, that is default with some Linux'es.). If you allready have a USER installation, then remember also, that the existing bitarchive, database and admin.data files will be untouched. You must explicit remove any previous USER installation, if you want a clean empty installation.

E.g. (you should use "USER" as the installation name to make things easy)

cd /home/test/netarchive
bash RunNetarchiveSuite.sh NetarchiveSuite.zip deploy_standalone_example.xml USER/
#if you have not setup your ssh keygen correctly, you need to login some times before the installation finish successfully. You must also have permission to ssh and scp to localhost ( try e.g "ssh localhost" and "scp somefile localhost:")

The script creates a deployment folder named "USER" in e.g. /home/test/netarchive, which contains methods for starting and stopping NetarchiveSuite, and starts the whole NetarchiveSuite. It deploys the installation locally to /home/test/USER

  • start a web browser by e.g.  $ firefox  Note that it is important that the browser is started on the same machine as the simple harvest script is run on

  • setup the browser to proxy on port 8070 and exclude localhost and the hostname (used by the Heritrix GUI) e.g. in firefox:

Choose in the firefox toolbar:
Manual Proxy Configuration
and add:
Proxy: localhost
Port: 8070
No Proxy for: localhost, kb-test-way-001.kb.dk
  • Write following url in the started browser http://localhost:'''8074'''/HarvestDefinition

  • You can now see the webinterface in the browser
  • You can now create, run and browse according to the following or the User Manual
  • if you want to stop and start the entire NAS system, then

cd /home/test/netarchive/USER
  • If you want to try other deploy examples, then go to "Examples of deploy configuration files" in the Installation Manual

Quick Start Manual 3.12/Download and installation (last edited 2010-09-14 07:42:54 by TueLarsen)