Attachment 'deploy_standalone_example_3_14.xml'


   1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   2 <!-- 
   3 *$Id: deploy_standalone_example.xml 1681 2010-10-27 11:40:59Z tlr $
   4 * $Revision: 1681 $
   5 * $Author: tlr $
   6 * $Date: 2010-10-27 13:40:59 +0200 (on, 27 okt 2010) $
   7 *
   8 * The Netarchive Suite - Software to harvest and preserve websites
   9 * Copyright 2004-2010 Det Kongelige Bibliotek and Statsbiblioteket, Denmark
  10 *
  11 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  12 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  13 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  14 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  15 *
  16 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  19 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  20 *
  21 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  22 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  23 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
  24 *  USA
  25 *
  26 -->
  27 <!--
  28         This file contains an example of a deploy configuration file for the 
  29         one machine scenario. Kind of running 'quickstart' on another machine. 
  30         Uses HTTP as file transport agent. Requires the availability of 
  31         port 7676: JMS broker
  32         port 8040-8048 for the http filetransport servers serving the HTTPRemoteFile;         
  33         port 8070 for the viewerproxy.
  34         port 8074 for the GUIApplication webinterface
  35         port 8090-8093 for the Heritrix GUI 
  36         port 8110-8119: JMX ports
  37         port 8210-8219: RMI ports
  38         port 8120-8121: databases
  40         Does not include a checksum replica w/ a ChecksumFileApplication
  41         Uses the default ActiveBitPreservation implementation
  42         (currently dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation.
  43          FileBasedActiveBitPreservation).
  44 -->
  46 <deployGlobal>
  47     <deployClassPath>lib/dk.netarkivet.harvester.jar</deployClassPath>
  48     <deployClassPath>lib/dk.netarkivet.archive.jar</deployClassPath>
  49     <deployClassPath>lib/dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy.jar</deployClassPath>
  50     <deployClassPath>lib/dk.netarkivet.monitor.jar</deployClassPath>
  51     <deployClassPath>lib/dk.netarkivet.wayback.jar</deployClassPath>
  52     <deployJavaOpt>-Xmx1536m</deployJavaOpt>
  53     <settings>
  54         <common>
  55             <environmentName>QUICKSTART</environmentName>
  56             <applicationInstanceId></applicationInstanceId>
  57             <remoteFile>
  58                 <class>
  59                     dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPRemoteFile
  60                 </class>
  61             </remoteFile>
  62             <jms>
  63                 <class>
  64                     dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.JMSConnectionSunMQ
  65                 </class>
  66                 <broker>localhost</broker>
  67                 <port>7676</port>
  68             </jms>
  69             <jmx>
  70                 <passwordFile>conf/jmxremote.password</passwordFile>
  71                 <timeout>120</timeout>
  72             </jmx>
  74             <indexClient>
  75                 <indexRequestTimeout>43200000</indexRequestTimeout> 
  76             </indexClient>
  77             <replicas>
  78                 <replica>
  79                     <replicaId>A</replicaId>
  80                     <replicaName>ReplicaA</replicaName>
  81                     <replicaType>bitarchive</replicaType>
  82                 </replica>
  83              </replicas>
  84             <database>
  85                 <url></url>
  86             </database>
  87             <tempDir>tmpdircommon</tempDir> 
  88         </common>
  89         <monitor>
  90             <jmxUsername>monitorRole</jmxUsername>
  91             <jmxPassword>test</jmxPassword>
  92         </monitor>
  93         <archive>
  94             <bitpreservation>
  95                 <baseDir>bitpreservation</baseDir>
  96                 <class>dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation.DatabaseBasedActiveBitPreservation</class>
  97             </bitpreservation>
  98             <arcrepository>
  99                 <baseDir>.</baseDir>
 100             </arcrepository>
 101         </archive>
 102     </settings>
 104     <thisPhysicalLocation name="NATIONAL_LIBRARY">
 105         <deployInstallDir>/home/test</deployInstallDir>
 106         <deployMachineUserName>test</deployMachineUserName>            
 107         <settings>
 108             <common>
 109                 <useReplicaId>A</useReplicaId> 
 110                 <mail>
 111                     <server></server>
 112                 </mail>
 113                 <notifications>
 114                     <class>dk.netarkivet.common.utils.EMailNotifications</class>
 115                     <receiver></receiver> 
 116                     <sender></sender>
 117                 </notifications>
 118             </common>
 119             <viewerproxy>
 120                 <baseDir>viewerproxy</baseDir>
 121             </viewerproxy>
 122         </settings>
 123         <deployMachine name="localhost">
 124             <deployHarvestDatabaseDir>harvestDatabase</deployHarvestDatabaseDir>
 125             <deployArchiveDatabaseDir>adminDB</deployArchiveDatabaseDir>
 126             <settings>
 127                 <archive>
 128                     <admin>
 129                         <class>dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin.DatabaseAdmin</class>
 130                         <database>
 131                             <class>dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepositoryadmin.DerbyServerSpecifics</class>
 132                             <baseUrl>jdbc:derby</baseUrl>
 133                             <machine>localhost</machine>
 134                             <port>8120</port>
 135                             <dir>adminDB</dir>
 136                         </database>
 137                     </admin>
 138                 </archive>
 139                 <common>
 140                     <database>
 141                        <class>dk.netarkivet.harvester.datamodel.DerbyServerSpecifics</class>
 142                        <baseUrl>jdbc:derby</baseUrl>
 143                        <machine>localhost</machine>
 144                        <port>8121</port>
 145                        <dir>harvestDatabase/fullhddb</dir>
 146                     </database>
 147                 </common>
 148             </settings>
 149             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.common.webinterface.GUIApplication">
 150                 <settings>
 151                     <common>
 152                         <http>
 153                             <port>8074</port>
 154                         </http>
 155                         <jmx>
 156                             <port>8110</port> 
 157                             <rmiPort>8210</rmiPort>
 158                         </jmx>
 159                         <remoteFile>
 160                             <class>dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPRemoteFile</class>
 161                             <port>8040</port>
 162                         </remoteFile>
 163                     </common>
 164                 </settings>
 165             </applicationName>
 166             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.ArcRepositoryApplication">
 167                 <settings>
 168                     <common>
 169                         <jmx>
 170                             <port>8111</port> 
 171                             <rmiPort>8211</rmiPort>
 172                         </jmx>
 173                          <remoteFile>
 174                         <class>dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPRemoteFile</class>
 175                         <port>8041</port> 
 176                         </remoteFile>     
 177                     </common>
 178                 </settings>
 179             </applicationName>
 180             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.BitarchiveMonitorApplication">
 181                 <settings>
 182                     <common>
 183                         <jmx>
 184                             <port>8112</port>  
 185                             <rmiPort>8212</rmiPort>
 186                         </jmx>
 187                          <remoteFile>
 188                         <class>dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPRemoteFile</class>
 189                         <port>8042</port> 
 190                         </remoteFile>  
 191                     </common>
 192                 </settings>
 193             </applicationName>
 194             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.archive.bitarchive.BitarchiveApplication">
 195                 <settings>
 196                     <common>
 197                         <jmx>
 198                             <port>8113</port>  
 199                             <rmiPort>8213</rmiPort>
 200                         </jmx>
 201                         <remoteFile>
 202                             <class>dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPRemoteFile</class>
 203                             <port>8043</port>
 204                         </remoteFile>  
 205                     </common>
 206                     <archive>
 207                         <bitarchive>
 208                             <baseFileDir>bitarkiv</baseFileDir>
 209                         </bitarchive>
 210                     </archive>
 211                 </settings>
 212             </applicationName>
 213             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.HarvestControllerApplication">
 214                 <settings>
 215                     <common>
 216                         <applicationInstanceId>low</applicationInstanceId>            
 217                         <jmx>
 218                             <port>8114</port>
 219                             <rmiPort>8214</rmiPort>
 220                         </jmx>
 221                         <remoteFile>
 222                             <class>dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPRemoteFile</class>
 223                             <port>8044</port> 
 224                         </remoteFile>  
 225                     </common>
 226                     <harvester>
 227                         <harvesting>
 228                             <queuePriority>LOWPRIORITY</queuePriority>
 229                             <heritrix>
 230                                 <guiPort>8190</guiPort> 
 231                                 <jmxPort>8191</jmxPort>
 232                                  <jmxUsername>controlRole</jmxUsername>
 233                                  <jmxPassword>R_D</jmxPassword>
 234                             </heritrix>
 235                		    <serverDir>harvester_low</serverDir>
 236                         </harvesting>
 237                     </harvester>
 238                 </settings>
 239             </applicationName>
 240             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.HarvestControllerApplication">
 241                 <settings>
 242                     <common>
 243                         <applicationInstanceId>high</applicationInstanceId>
 244                         <jmx>
 245                             <port>8115</port>
 246                             <rmiPort>8215</rmiPort>
 247                         </jmx>
 248                         <remoteFile>
 249                             <class>dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPRemoteFile</class>
 250                             <port>8045</port> 
 251                         </remoteFile>  
 252                     </common>
 253                     <harvester>
 254                         <harvesting>
 255                             <queuePriority>HIGHPRIORITY</queuePriority>
 256                             <heritrix>
 257                                 <guiPort>8192</guiPort> 
 258                                 <jmxPort>8193</jmxPort>
 259                                  <jmxUsername>controlRole</jmxUsername>
 260                                  <jmxPassword>R_D</jmxPassword>
 261                             </heritrix>
 262                         <serverDir>harvester_high</serverDir>
 263                         </harvesting>
 264                     </harvester>
 265                 </settings>
 266             </applicationName>
 267             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.archive.indexserver.IndexServerApplication">
 268                 <settings>
 269                     <common>
 270                         <jmx>
 271                             <port>8116</port>
 272                             <rmiPort>8216</rmiPort>
 273                         </jmx>
 274                         <remoteFile>
 275                             <class>dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPRemoteFile</class>
 276                             <port>8046</port> 
 277                         </remoteFile>  
 278                     </common>
 279                 </settings>
 280             </applicationName>
 281             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy.ViewerProxyApplication">
 282                 <deployClassPath>lib/dk.netarkivet.viewerproxy.jar</deployClassPath>
 283                 <deployClassPath>lib/dk.netarkivet.archive.jar</deployClassPath>
 284                 <deployClassPath>lib/dk.netarkivet.monitor.jar</deployClassPath>
 285                 <settings>
 286                     <common>
 287                         <http>
 288                             <port>8070</port>
 289                         </http>
 290                         <remoteFile>
 291                             <class>dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPRemoteFile</class>
 292                             <port>8047</port>
 293                         </remoteFile>  
 294                         <jmx>
 295                             <port>8117</port>
 296                             <rmiPort>8217</rmiPort>
 297                         </jmx>
 298                     </common>
 299                 </settings>
 300             </applicationName>            
 301             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.harvester.scheduler.HarvestJobManagerApplication">
 302                 <settings>
 303                     <common>
 304                         <jmx>
 305                             <port>8118</port> 
 306                             <rmiPort>8218</rmiPort>
 307                         </jmx>
 308                         <remoteFile>
 309                             <class>dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.HTTPRemoteFile</class>
 310                             <port>8048</port>
 311                         </remoteFile>  
 312                     </common>
 313                 </settings> 
 314              </applicationName> 
 315              <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.monitor.HarvestMonitorApplication">
 316                 <deployClassPath>lib/dk.netarkivet.harvester.jar</deployClassPath>
 317                 <deployClassPath>lib/dk.netarkivet.monitor.jar</deployClassPath>
 318                 <settings>
 319                     <common>
 320                         <jmx>
 321                             <port>8119</port>
 322                             <rmiPort>8219</rmiPort>
 323                         </jmx>
 324                     </common>
 325                 </settings>
 326             </applicationName>           
 327         </deployMachine>
 328     </thisPhysicalLocation>
 329 </deployGlobal>

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  • [get | view] (2010-09-14 07:45:16, 11.1 KB) [[attachment:deploy_standalone_example.xml]]
  • [get | view] (2010-11-01 12:36:59, 14.3 KB) [[attachment:deploy_standalone_example_3_14.xml]]
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