Download and installation


For a quick start, we have prepared a bash script that starts all the necessary components on one machine. We will use this script throughout this quickstart manual to allow you to get a feel for what the system can do and how it works without having to deal with issues of distributing to other servers.

Base system required

For the quick startup, NetarchiveSuite requires

To check that you have the right version of Java do the following


Download and unzip of the newest release is described here


NetarchiveSuite uses JMS for inter-process communication. JMS is the Java Messaging Service, which provides asynchronous communication between processes. You do not need any knowledge of JMS to use NetarchiveSuite. However you need to make sure that there are not already JMS brokers running on your system using PORT 8100.

Currently only the open-source version of Sun's JMS implementation is supported, since some functionality of other implementations does not match our assumptions well.

To download and install it, do the following:


Assuming the NetarchiveSuite files were unzipped to the directory ~/netarchive as described above, you must do the following to configure the NetarchiveSuite for your system:

For the simple harvest setup, the startup script needs to know a few paths. You can either do this by exporting the environment variables in your shell or by changing the harvest script.

The following describes how to set the environment variables:

Note that these environment variables need to be set every time you log in, if you wish to use the quickstart scripts. You can also edit the file and set the variables there, if you wish the settings to be persistent.

Starting the system

Note: Starting the script clears all data from previous runs. The clearing of previous data is disabled by setting environment variable KEEPDATA:  export KEEPDATA=1 .

To start the program do the following:

A typical set of windows looks like this:

Stopping the system

When you are done experimenting, you can use the scripts described below to stop the programs. After that, it should be possible to restart from scratch by following the instructions described above under section "Starting simple_harvest version".

Do the following:

$ cd ~/netarchive/scripts/simple_harvest
$ ./