Release Notes for NetarchiveSuite 3.11.0

This version of NetarchiveSuite was released on 2009-12-22.

New features since NetarchiveSuite 3.10.*

This release mostly includes solutions for minor problems and issues. Furthermore more work on improving the bitpreservation infrastructure has been added, like adding a bitpreservation database. This is still highly experimental, and the old bitpreservation framework has not been fully replaced yet. This is expected to happen in the next development release.

The following bugs and features have been fixed since 3.10

Common Module

Bug 1835 The new examples folder is missing from build

Deploy Module

Bug 1705 Make jmxremote.access writable before overwriting it (install script)

Harvester Module

Bug 1777 Add event seeds only accepts a very short list of seeds

Access Module

Bug1758 UrlCanonicalizerFactory falls back to default value silently

Archive Module

Bug 1833 The method isAdminCheckSumOk() from the type FilePreservationState is not visible
FR 1734 Unittest of BitachiveMonitor
FR 1736 Monitoring batchjobs

Documentation Module

FR 1818 Have all the example configuration files in one folder different from the "conf"

Monitor Module

FR 1757 Need a way to remove an application from lists of monitored applications

External Software

ES 1587 Upgrade Apache Commons Net library to version 2.0 
ES 1784 Upgrade Jetty
ES 1808 Upgrade Apache Commons Fileupload to 1.2.1 

Upgrade instructions

Remember to stop the running installation before upgrading. Beware, that you only want to upgrade to this release in your test-environment, and not in your production setup.

New settings

The following new setting have been introduced:

settings.common.batch.timeBetweenLogging (default: 30000): The time between logging the stat us of a batch job measured in milliseconds. The default amounts to 30 seconds.

New translation strings


errormsg;template.upload.failed.with.exception.0=Harvest template upload failed with exception {0}
errormsg; the file ''{0}'' failed. It does not exist
errormsg;missing.parameter.0=Required parameter {0} not given
pagetitle;seeds.for.harvestdefinition=Seeds for the harvestdefinition
harveststatus.seeds.for.harvest.0=Domain/Seeds for harvestdefinition {0}
add.seeds.from.file=Add seeds from a file
errormsg;no.seedsfile.was.uploaded=No seedsfile was uploaded


tablefield;removeapplication=Remove Application
errormsg.error.when.unregistering.mbean.0=Error when unreqistering JMX MBean identified with query ''{0}''.

(note: This latter needs to be changed to "errormsg;error.when.unregistering.mbean.0" See outstanding bug 1844 Wrong labelling of the translation key "errormsg.error.when.unregistering.mbean.0")

Deleted translation strings


errormsg;template.upload.failed=Harvest template upload failed

Version History

Version 3.9.*

Development versions aiming for 3.10.0

Version 3.8.2


Fix an important index synchronization bug

Version 3.8.1


Fix of important bug leading to unresponsive harvesters

Version 3.8.0


Java 1.6, Heritrix 1.14.1, Derby, complete rewrite of settings, new supported deploy module, gui access to harvest logs

Version 3.7.0


Develop version aiming for 3.8.0

Version 3.6.0


Improvement of archive component with regard to security, batch, and preservation; greater JMS stability; important bug fixes

Version 3.5.*

Develop versions aiming for 3.6.0

Version 3.4.2


Bug fix release, fixing JMX timeout

Version 3.4.1


Bug fix release, fixing out of memory on very large indexes

Version 3.4.0


Separation of Heritrix, work on developing our open source platform, two-part TLDs like, and lots of bugfixes

Version 3.3.*

Develop versions aiming for 3.4.0

Version 3.2.3


Bugfix of 3.2.2 with patched deduplicator, that fixes problem in parallel indexing

Version 3.2.2


Bugfix of 3.2.1 with patched Heritrix 1.12.1, that supports ARCRecords larger than 2GBs

Version 3.2.1


Bugfix of 3.2.0 fixing trouble using the quick start manual.

Version 3.2.0


Open source release

Version 3.1.*

Development versions. Version 3.1.7 was kindly reviewed by Internet Archive and the Norwegian national library.

Version 3.0.0


Marked the naming of the NetarchiveSuite, the splitting of NetarchiveSuite into independent modules, and the licensing of NetarchiveSuite under LGPL

Version 2.*

Various features and updates

Version 2.0


Marked a general restructuring of the code, where harvest definition data was backed by a database, the viewerproxy was trimmed and rewritten.

Version 1.*

Various features and updates

Version 1.0


The first version of the netarchive| software put in production for harvesting the entire Danish web

Version 0.*

Various pre-production development versions

ReleaseNotes3_11_0 (last edited 2010-08-16 10:24:28 by localhost)