title(NetarchiveSuite System Design)

Action(print,Printer friendly version)


Include(System Design 3.10/Introduction)

Include(System Design 3.10/Overall Systems Description)


Specific Design in the Code

The following is to be split between the this document (incooperaed in the below detailed module design descriptions) and the [:Guidelines/Coding_Guideline:Coding Guideline] document, so that coding guidelines of how to code according to this design is put into the [:Guidelines/Coding_Guideline:Coding Guideline], while description of how the design works is put into the this document.

Include(System Design 3.10/Coding Guidelines - Design Related)

Include(System Design 3.10/Detailed_Accesss_Description)

Include(System Design 3.10/Detailed Archive Description)

Include(System Design 3.10/Detailed Common Description)

Include(System Design 3.10/Detailed Deploy Description)

Include(System Design 3.10/Detailed Harvester Description)

Include(System Design 3.10/Detailed Monitor Description)