Deploying NetarchiveSuite w/ application placed outside the KB and SB network

With the DeployApplication it is straight-forward to place the harvesters on a different physical location than on Kb and SB (location OUTSIDE). Just define location OUTSIDE as a physicalLocation in the deploy configuration file.

Note that the harvester-machines on location OUTSIDE need to have

Note that FTP or SFTP is required as the transport method, as it is not possible to push data with the current network grouping of the Bitarchive-machines at KB, and therefore can't use the PUSH-transport methods (http or https).

Deploying NetarchiveSuite on location OUTSIDE can be done as we do today when deploying on KB and SB:

Template for configuring an OUTSIDE location in the deploy config file

    <!-- here default settings are written common for the whole NetarchiveSuite installation -->
<thisPhysicalLocation name="K">
<thisPhysicalLocation name="S">
<thisPhysicalLocation name="OUTSIDE">
        <!-- installation directories only used by deploy -->

                    <server>OUTSIDE LOCATION MAILSERVER</server> 
        <deployMachine name="OUTSIDE-HARVESTING-MACHINE-NAME">
             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.HarvestControllerApplication">
             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.HarvestControllerApplication">
             <applicationName name="dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.HarvestControllerApplication">