Differences between revisions 1 and 16 (spanning 15 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2009-02-27 14:22:41
Size: 683
Editor: EldZierau
Revision 16 as of 2009-05-20 10:29:39
Size: 1964
Editor: EldZierau
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 7: Line 7:
The task holder is responsible for implementation of a tast in the task list of an iteration (e.g. [:Iteration36TaskList:Iteration 36 task list]). A task holder is specified as the main responsible of a task in the task list. The task can be to make code implementation, write an assignment, make other updates, etc.
Line 10: Line 11:
 * [:Process/Implementation:Implementation] of tasks. Please refer to [:Development#IterationCurrent:current iteration] this may involve either
   * [:Process/Code_Review:Code Review] for code implementation or
   * [:Process/Document_Review:Document Review] for updates in important documents
Line 13: Line 17:
 * [:Guidelines/Unit Test Guideline:Unit test guideline]
 * [:Guidelines/Coding Guideline:Coding guideline]
 * [:Guidelines/Development Tools Guideline:Development Tools Guideline]
 * [:Maintaining_Documentation:Guideline for maintaining documentation]
 * [:Guidelines/Assignment_Writing:Guideline for assignment writing]
 * [:Guidelines/NewProcess: Guideline for new processes]
 * [:BugInfGuide: Bug/Feature Request/Patch Information Guideline]
Line 16: Line 27:
 * [:Development#CurrentIterationTaskOverview: current iteration task overview]
 * [:Development#CurrentIterationReviewOverview: current iteration review overview]
Line 19: Line 32:
Please refer to [:Development/Staffing: Staffing] for overview of modules, owners and backups. Usually this is the "other partipant" specified for the task in [:Development#CurrentIterationTaskOverview: current iteration task overview].


The Task Holder role contains [#TaskHolderDescription Description], [#TaskHolderProcesses Responsible for processes], [#TaskHolderGuidelines Relevant Guidelines], [#TaskHolderReferences References to Current Work] and [#TaskHolderBackup Backup].

Anchor(TaskHolderDescription) DescriptionBR The task holder is responsible for implementation of a tast in the task list of an iteration (e.g. [:Iteration36TaskList:Iteration 36 task list]). A task holder is specified as the main responsible of a task in the task list. The task can be to make code implementation, write an assignment, make other updates, etc.

Anchor(TaskHolderProcesses) Processes

  • [:Process/Implementation:Implementation] of tasks. Please refer to [:Development#IterationCurrent:current iteration] this may involve either

    • [:Process/Code_Review:Code Review] for code implementation or
    • [:Process/Document_Review:Document Review] for updates in important documents

Anchor(TaskHolderGuidelines) Guidelines

  • [:Guidelines/Unit Test Guideline:Unit test guideline]

  • [:Guidelines/Coding Guideline:Coding guideline]

  • [:Guidelines/Development Tools Guideline:Development Tools Guideline]

  • [:Maintaining_Documentation:Guideline for maintaining documentation]
  • [:Guidelines/Assignment_Writing:Guideline for assignment writing]
  • [:Guidelines/NewProcess: Guideline for new processes]
  • [:BugInfGuide: Bug/Feature Request/Patch Information Guideline]

Anchor(TaskHolderReferences) References to Current WorkBR

Anchor(TaskHolderBackup) BackupBR Usually this is the "other partipant" specified for the task in [:Development#CurrentIterationTaskOverview: current iteration task overview].

Process Role/Task Holder WithoutTitle (last edited 2010-08-16 10:24:39 by localhost)