Release Notes for NetarchiveSuite 3.13.0

This version of NetarchiveSuite was released on 2010-06-15

New features since NetarchiveSuite 3.12.*

This release has primarily focused on integrating code into the main NetarchiveSuite branch implemented at BNF. Additionally, there has been done work in the deploy and wayback packages.

The following bugs and features have been fixed since 3.12

Common Module

FR 1929 15 second level TLD related to the .fr and .re domains

Harvester Module

Bug 1856: Schedule problem after first start on NAS 3.10.0. No schedule started
Bug 1964: PWC6033: Unable to compile class for JSP
Bug 1971: PostgreSQL does not work with current NetarchiveSuite: forgot to copy BNF change to trunk
FR 1134 Filter job lists by category
FR 1668 Paginate and make sortable and searchable the list of jobs
FR 1688 Monitoring broad crawls
FR 1924 Allows to search a domain in active jobs (in case of webmaster complain)
FR 1925 PostgreSQL connectivity (using the PostgreSQL driver version 8.4 - JDBC 4)
FR 1927 Delay job end to allow Heritrix report generation 
FR 1928 Ability to easily resubmit a selection of failed jobs (but see Bug 1972)
FR 1930 Ability to implement a different crawl control loop via HeritrixLauncher / new Heritrix JMX controller
FR 1951 Upgrade to heritrix 1.14.4

Access Module

Bug 1955 NetarchiveResourceStore fails to handle redirects
Bug 1976 Wayback fails to start with ''

Archive Module

Bug 1949 Findbugs: use of known null pointer in BitpreserveFileState.processUpdateRequest

Documentation Module

Bug 1732 LocalArcRepositoryClient not documented

Upgrade instructions

Note that a lot of new settings has been introduced in this release, and a bunch of new third-party libraries has been added.

New settings in the common module

settings.common.webinterface.harvestStatus.defaultPageSize: The default number of jobs to show in the harvest status section on one result page. The default number is 100.

settings.common.batch.batchjobs.batchjob.class: The list of batchjobs to be runnable from the GUI. Must be the complete path to the batchjob classes (e.g. dk.netarkivet.archive.arcrepository.bitpreservation.ChecksumJob). Must inherit FileBatchJob. The default is the following:


settings.common.batch.batchjobs.batchjob.arcfile: The list of the corresponding jar-files containing the batchjob. This will be used for LoadableJarBatchJobs.

the default classpath of the involved applications (BitarchiveMonitor, ArcRepository, GUIWebServer and BitArchive).

settings.common.batch.baseDir: The directory where the resulting files will be placed when running a batchjob through the GUI interface. The default is the relative dir "batch"

New settings in the harvester module

settings.harvester.harvesting.heritrix.monitorResetInterval: The time interval in seconds after which the HarvestMonitorServer will reset the job state data. This is a simple way to detect the end of a job. The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

settings.harvester.harvesting.heritrix.crawlLoopWaitTime: Time interval in seconds to wait during a crawl loop in the harvest controller. The default is 20 seconds.

settings.harvester.harvesting.heritrix.abortIfConnectionLost: A boolean flag. If set to true, the harvest controller will abort the current crawl when the JMX connection is lost. If set to false it will only log a warning, leaving the crawl operator shutting down harvester manually. Used only by the BnfHeritrixController. The default is true.

settings.harvester.harvesting.heritrix.waitForReportGenerationTimeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for Heritrix to generate report files once crawling is over. The default is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

settings.harvester.harvesting.heritrixLauncherClass: The implementation of the HeritrixLauncher abstract class to be used. The default is dk.netarkivet.harvester.harvesting.controller.DefaultHeritrixLauncher.

New settings in the wayback module

A lot of new settings has appeared, that configures hibernation, and its database connection manager used by hibernate (c3p0). Documentation about the c3p0 settings and c3p0 in general can be found here: About configuring c3p0: <br>About c3p0 in general:

settings.wayback.hibernate.c3p0.acquire_increment: Determines how many connections at a time c3p0 will try to acquire when the pool is exhausted. Defines the value of hibernate configuration key "hibernate.c3p0.acquire_increment" which is the same as the c3p0-native property name "c3p0.acquireIncrement". The default is 1.

settings.wayback.hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period: If this is a number greater than 0, c3p0 will test all idle, pooled but unchecked-out connections, every this number of seconds. Defines the value of hibernate configuration key "hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period" which is the same as the c3p0-native property name "c3p0.idleConnectionTestPeriod". The default is 100.

settings.wayback.hibernate.c3p0.max_size: Maximum number of Connections a pool will maintain at any given time. Defines the value of hibernate configuration key "hibernate.c3p0.max_size" which is the same as the c3p0-native property name "c3p0.maxPoolSize". The default is 100.

settings.wayback.hibernate.c3p0.max_statements: The size of c3p0's global PreparedStatement cache. Defines the value of hibernate configuration key "hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" which is the same as the c3p0-native property name "c3p0.maxStatements". The default is 100.

settings.wayback.hibernate.c3p0.min_size: Minimum number of Connections a pool will maintain at any given time. Defines the value of hibernate configuration key "hibernate.c3p0.min_size" which is the same as the c3p0-native property name "c3p0.minPoolSize". The default is 10.

settings.wayback.hibernate.c3p0.timeout Defines the value of hibernate configuration key "hibernate.c3p0.timeout" which is the same as the c3p0-native property name "c3p0.maxIdleTime". The default is 100.

settings.wayback.hibernate.connection_url: The hibernate connection url. The default is "jdbc:derby:derbyDB/wayback_indexer_db;create=true"

settings.wayback.hibernate.db_driver_class: The hibernate client driver class. The default is "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"

settings.wayback.hibernate.use_reflection_optimizer: Look in the hibernation documentation for its meaning. The default is "false".

settings.wayback.hibernate.transaction_factory: Look in the hibernation documentation for its meaning. The default is org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory.

settings.wayback.hibernate.dialect: Look in the hibernation documentation for its meaning. The default is "org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect"

settings.wayback.hibernate.show_sql: Look in the hibernation documentation for its meaning. The default is "true".

settings.wayback.hibernate.format_sql: Look in the hibernation documentation for its meaning. The default is "true".

settings.wayback.hibernate.hbm2ddl_auto: Look in the hibernation documentation for its meaning. The default is "update".

settings.wayback.hibernate.user: Look in the hibernation documentation for its meaning. The default is "".

settings.wayback.hibernate.password: Look in the hibernation documentation for its meaning. The default is "".

settings.wayback.indexer.replicaId: The replica to be used by the wayback indexer. Default value is "ONE".

settings.wayback.indexer.temp_batch_output_dir: The directory to which batch output is written during indexing. The default value is "tempdir".

settings.wayback.indexer.final_batch_output_dir: The directory to which batch output is moved after a batch indexing job is successfully completed. The default value is "batchOutputDir".

settings.wayback.indexer.maxFailedAttempts: The maximum number of times an archive file may generate a batch error during indexing before we give up on it. The default value is "3";

settings.wayback.indexer.producerDelay: The delay in milliseconds before the producer thread is started. The default value is "0";

settings.wayback.indexer.producerInterval: The interval, in milliseconds, between successive runs of the producer thread. The default value is "86400000";

settings.wayback.indexer.consumerThreads: The number of consumer threads to run. The default value is "5";

settings.wayback.indexer.initialFiles: A file containing a list of files which have been archived and therefore do not need to be archived again. This key may be unset. The default value is "";

settings.wayback.aggregator.index_file-input_dir: The directory the Aggregator consumes raw index files from The default value is "batchOutputDir";

settings.wayback.aggregator.index_file-output_dir: The directory the Aggregator places the Aggregated and sorted files into The default value is "indexDir";

settings.wayback.aggregator.temp_aggregator_dir: The directory used by the aggregator to store temporary files. The default value is "aggregator_tempdir";

settings.wayback.aggregator.aggregation_interval: The time to between each scheduled aggregation run (in miliseconds). The default value is "86400000";

settings.wayback.aggregator.max_intermediate_index_file_size: The maximum size of the Intermediate index file in MB. When this limit is reached a new index file is created and new indexes are added to this file. In case of a 0 value, the intermediate index file will always be merged into the main index file. The default value is "102400";

settings.wayback.aggregator.max_main_index_file_size: The maximum size of the main wayback index file in MB. When this limit is reached a new index file is created and new indexes are added to this file. The old index file will be rename to ${finalIndexFileSizeLimit}.1 The default value is "104857600";

New translation strings


batchpage;Name.of.batchjob=Name of batchjob
batchpage; run
batchpage; has never been run
batchpage;Size.of.output.file=Size of output file
batchpage; of lines in output file
batchpage;Size.of.error.file=Size of error file
batchpage; of lines in error file
batchpage;Choose.replica=Choose replica
batchpage;Regular.expression.for.filenames.(all.files)=Regular expression for file names (\".*\" = all files)
batchpage;Execute.batchjob=Execute batchjob
batchpage;Arguments=Arguments batchpage;Bad.argument.metadata.for.the.constructor=Bad argument metadata resources for the constructor ''{0}''
batchpage;Argument.i=Argument {0}
batchpage;Argument.i.missing.argument.metadata=Argument {0} (missing argument metadata)
batchpage; batchjobs defined in settings
batchpage;Predefined.batchjobs=Predefined batchjobs
batchpage;Batchjob=Batchjob batchpage;No.output.file=No output file
batchpage;No.error.file=No error file
batchpage;Warning.0=Warning: {0}
batchpage;Which.files=Which files
batchpage;Job.ID=Job ID
batchpage;No.outputfile=No outputfile
batchpage;No.errorfile=No errorfile
batchpage;Download.outputfile=Download outputfile
batchpage;Download.errorfile=Download errorfile
batchpage;No.valid.timestamp=No valid timestamp batchpage;bytes=bytes
batchpage;lines=lines batchpage; date
batchpage; date batchpage;Output.file=Output file
batchpage;Error.file=Error file batchpage;Number.of.runs.0=Number of runs: {0}


pagetitle; Jobs
status.job.filters.group1=Job status {0} Harvest name {1} Start date {2} End date {3}
status.job.filters.group2=Order {0} Display {1} rows per page.
status.job.filters.group3=Job status {0} Harvest name {1}
status.sort.order.job.reset=Reset result page {0}.
status.results.displayed=Search results: {0}, displaying results {1} to {2}.
status.results.displayed.pagination={0} / {1}
status.harvest.all=All ID definition files time files in preparation is running is paused finished{0} - crawl in preparation, {1} crawler is running, {2} - crawler is paused, {3} - crawl finished job harvesting domain {0} selected failed jobs
errormsg; select at least one job! ID



pagetitle;qa.batchjob.overview=Batchjob Overview
pagetitle;qa.batchjob.retrieve.resultfile=BatchJob resultfile
pagetitle;qa.batchjob=Batchjob pagetitle;qa.batchjob.execute=Executing
batchjob pagetitle;qa.get.files=Get harvested files
pagetitle;qa.get.reports=Get harvest reports
pagetitle;qa.crawllog.lines.for.domain=Lines from crawl.log about domain
pagetitle;files.for.job.0=Files for job {0}
pagetitle;reports.for.job.1=Reports for job {0}
pagetitle; from crawl.log of job {1} concerning domain {0}

Deleted translation strings



Version History

Version 3.12.0


New Bitpreservation infrastructure, and upgrade of Apache Derby to version

Version 3.11.*

Development versions aiming for 3.12.0

Version 3.10.0


New deploy application; JMX stability issues fixed; JMS stability issues also fixed

Version 3.9.*

Development versions aiming for 3.10.0

Version 3.8.2


Fix an important index synchronization bug

Version 3.8.1


Fix of important bug leading to unresponsive harvesters

Version 3.8.0


Java 1.6, Heritrix 1.14.1, Derby, complete rewrite of settings, new supported deploy module, gui access to harvest logs

Version 3.7.0


Develop version aiming for 3.8.0

Version 3.6.0


Improvement of archive component with regard to security, batch, and preservation; greater JMS stability; important bug fixes

Version 3.5.*

Develop versions aiming for 3.6.0

Version 3.4.2


Bug fix release, fixing JMX timeout

Version 3.4.1


Bug fix release, fixing out of memory on very large indexes

Version 3.4.0


Separation of Heritrix, work on developing our open source platform, two-part TLDs like, and lots of bugfixes

Version 3.3.*

Develop versions aiming for 3.4.0

Version 3.2.3


Bugfix of 3.2.2 with patched deduplicator, that fixes problem in parallel indexing

Version 3.2.2


Bugfix of 3.2.1 with patched Heritrix 1.12.1, that supports ARCRecords larger than 2GBs

Version 3.2.1


Bugfix of 3.2.0 fixing trouble using the quick start manual.

Version 3.2.0


Open source release

Version 3.1.*

Development versions. Version 3.1.7 was kindly reviewed by Internet Archive and the Norwegian national library.

Version 3.0.0


Marked the naming of the NetarchiveSuite, the splitting of NetarchiveSuite into independent modules, and the licensing of NetarchiveSuite under LGPL

Version 2.*

Various features and updates

Version 2.0


Marked a general restructuring of the code, where harvest definition data was backed by a database, the viewerproxy was trimmed and rewritten.

Version 1.*

Various features and updates

Version 1.0


The first version of the netarchive| software put in production for harvesting the entire Danish web

Version 0.*

Various pre-production development versions

ReleaseNotes3_13_0 (last edited 2010-08-16 10:24:53 by localhost)