
The Task Holder role contains [#TaskHolderDescription Description], [#TaskHolderProcesses Responsible for processes], [#TaskHolderGuidelines Relevant Guidelines], [#TaskHolderReferences References to Current Work] and [#TaskHolderBackup Backup].

Anchor(TaskHolderDescription) DescriptionBR The task holder is responsible for implementation of a tast in the task list of an iteration (e.g. [:Iteration36TaskList:Iteration 36 task list]). A task holder is specified as the to see who is task holder for the different tasks, Anchor(TaskHolderProcesses) Processes

Anchor(TaskHolderGuidelines) Guidelines

Anchor(TaskHolderReferences) References to Current WorkBR

Anchor(TaskHolderBackup) BackupBR Please refer to [:Development#IterationCurrent:current iteration] to see who is task holder for the different tasks.