
The Task Holder role contains [#TaskHolderDescription Description], [#TaskHolderProcesses Responsible for processes], [#TaskHolderGuidelines Relevant Guidelines], [#TaskHolderReferences References to Current Work] and [#TaskHolderBackup Backup].

Anchor(TaskHolderDescription) DescriptionBR The task holder is responsible for implementation of a tast in the task list of an iteration (e.g. [:Iteration36TaskList:Iteration 36 task list]). A task holder is specified as the main responsible of a task in the task list. The task can be to make code implementation, write an assignment, make other updates, etc.

Anchor(TaskHolderProcesses) Processes

Anchor(TaskHolderGuidelines) Guidelines

Anchor(TaskHolderReferences) References to Current WorkBR

Anchor(TaskHolderBackup) BackupBR Please refer to [:Development#IterationCurrent:current iteration] to see who is task holder for the different tasks.